miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009

Night; 3 Summary

Elie and his father were transferred to Buna a concentration camp. They were incorporated to kommandos which were a group of persons commanded to do an specific job and then they were assignated to a block. They were sent to a medic exam, Elie had a gold crown in his teeth, so he was numbered.
Fortunately they were chosen to form part of the orchestra’s block. They started working in a warehouse of electrical materials; the job was neither difficult nor dangerous.
One day Elie was summoned to the dentist to remove his gold crown, he said he was ill so he was told to come later , but two weeks after the dentist was arrested for stealing the gold he removed, so Elie kept his crown. In another occasion Elie was hit by the man in charge of the block because he was angry and he let go all the anger against the first person he saw (Elie), a French woman help him and told him some courage words. One day a foreman saw Elie’s crown and ask Elie to handed it to him but Elie refused so the foreman search for a reason for Elie to hand over his crown, and hi found that reason in his father, he did not know how to march in step so all the days he tormented his father, until finally he gave in and gave his golden crown to the foreman. Some days before the poles left Elie saw Idek copulating with a girl so Idek punished him very hard. One day while they were working an alarm started to sound and American airplanes passed over them, in this moment 2 cauldrons of soup were left behind in the middle of the street, all were looking anxiously toward them but no one dare to go, the fear was greater than the hunger, but then a boy started approaching but he was shooted. In another occasion the power failed at the central electric plant in Buna, further investigation showed that it had been a sabotage and the persons responsible were hanged.

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